2012年8月17日 星期五



1.         Cloud Computing Architectural Framework
2.         Governance and Enterprise Risk Management
3.         Legal
4.         Electronic Discovery
5.         Compliance and Audit
6.         Information lifecycle management
7.         Portability and Interoperability
8.         Traditional Security, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
9.         Data Center operations
10.      Incident Response, Notification and Remediation
11.      Application Security
12.      Encryption and Key Management
13.      identity and Access management
14.      Storage
15.      Virtualization
16.      Cloud Forensics


1.         secure cloud resource virtualization mechanisms
2.         secure data management outsourcing (e.g. database as a service)
3.         practical privacy and integrity mechanisms for outsourcing
4.         foundations of cloud-centric threat models
5.         secure computation outsourcing
6.         remote attestation mechanisms in clouds
7.         sandboxing and VM-based enforcements
8.         new cloud-aware web service security paradigms and mechanisms
9.         cloud-centric regulatory compliance issues and mechanisms
10.      business and security risk models and clouds
11.      cost and usability models and their interaction with security in clouds
12.      scalability of security in global-size clouds
13.      trusted computing technology and clouds
14.      trust and policy management in clouds
15.      secure identity management mechanisms
16.      binary analysis of software for remote attestation and cloud protection
17.      network security (DOS, IDS etc.) mechanisms for cloud contexts
18.      security for emerging cloud programming models
19.      energy/cost/efficiency of security in clouds



  資訊安全管理重要流程 資訊安全管理包含眾多工作,組織中有多少資訊系統,資訊設備,提供哪些資訊服務,自行開發或是委外開發時之系統之安全性,如何確保服務的正常運作及機敏資料的安全,當有資安事件時,是否有適當人員來處置與緊急應變,要如何監控資訊環境,這些工作需要有系統的規劃,每項工...